** Trigger warning. This site contains descriptions of mental health crisis', sensitive topics and mentions of suicide.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

The Best Day of My Life

I'm currently fighting off a cold. Yesterday was an all around shitty day that had me wishing for the comfort of my bed, waiting anxiously for the time I could finally just fall asleep and put the day behind me.
And yet somehow I woke up in an okay mood this morning, only getting better by the minute. By the time the kids were off to school and the hubby to work, I was hitting play on my phone letting my playlist run through and further brighten my morning up. And then suddenly the song "Best Day of My Life" by American Authors came on and I found myself smiling and singing along while I, wait for it... danced in my living room. I love this song. But more than that I love this feeling. This light, happy feeling that for once isn't being overshadowed by the last couple of weeks of depression, this break that makes it feel like it is the best day of my life.
Last week was not a great week... but I made it work, I kept up all of the work I have been putting into taking care of myself and gaining some control over my emotions. It hasn't been easy and days like yesterday nearly made me give up and just quit because it is so far beyond hard - one of the most difficult things I've ever tried to do. 
But I'm not giving up. And I'm grasping at days like today where I don't have to fight as hard and I am going to give them everything I can. Even if it's just today - I'm level. I'm happy. And the more often I can pinpoint these days, make the most out of them, put the most attention into them; well I'm hoping the more often they will come up. 
These little slivers of happiness that make up the best days of my life. 

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